NMUN Conduct Expectations
NMUN Expectations of Conduct
Our intention is to create an environment at National Model United Nations (NMUN) that supports our educational mission. Professionalism in speech, actions, and appearance by all participants (delegates, head delegates, faculty, delegation leaders, guests, secretariat, staff, and board members) is a requirement of all NMUN conferences. These guidelines are provided to help establish clear expectations.
NMUN reserves the right to bar violators from further participation and/or restrict future registration for any participant or school unable to uphold their responsibility to the conference’s expectations.
- Treat everyone, including non-NMUN hotel guests, with the highest level of courtesy and respect at all times, including on social media and in electronic communications.
- Enjoy the variety of activities available at our conference venues. Please bear in mind, however, that the purpose of being here is participation in NMUN.
- Disruption of committee sessions or causing problems in the hotel or other facilities will not be tolerated.
- Respect academic integrity; plagiarism will not be tolerated.
- Alcohol is not allowed in any of our committee sessions. If you are going to drink, please drink responsibly. Excessive alcohol consumption should be avoided. The U.S. legal drinking age is 21.
- Possession or use of illicit drugs is prohibited at all times. Any issues related to illicit drugs may be directed to the attention of local authorities.
- Follow the dress code while attending conference events.
- Respect the property of the United Nations, our host hotels, and any other facilities used. Keep in mind that our facility partners have separate policies that include the potential for removal from their properties.
- Remain in character by consistently advocating the interests and representing the policies of the country assigned. To act in character also entails displaying respect for the opinions and ideas of fellow delegates, even if these opinions and ideas conflict with a given delegate’s own country's priorities.
- Collaborate with fellow delegates whenever possible.
Head Delegates
- If assigned to a committee, follow the delegates expectations. If serving solely in an advisory role, follow the faculty expectations.
- Attend and participate in any head delegates briefings.
- Make efforts to ensure that students maintain a positive and professional approach to the conference and help them understand the skills of diplomacy as practiced at NMUN.
- Serve as information resources when appropriate, but do not participate in the actual writing of resolutions or caucusing activities; participation in the committee process must be left to the student delegates and the conference volunteer staff.
- Quietly observe your students from the outer perimeter of committee rooms.
- Refrain from using academic credit and grading policies that force participation beyond a country’s normal position in the UN; awards should not be a delegation’s main emphasis.
- Attend and participate in any faculty advisors meetings.
- Guests are required to adhere to the same expectations as all other conference attendees.
- Guests serve as observers.
- Guests may not be enrolled university students or faculty advisors and do not provide any support to a delegation. A guest is typically a school official, spouse/partner/child of a faculty advisor, or a funder who is interested in learning about NMUN.
Undiplomatic Behavior, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Violence
Disrespectful behaviors in committee should first be addressed by attendees directly with one another or through their faculty advisor or head delegate. Repeated instances of undiplomatic behavior may be called to the attention of conference organizers by faculty advisors or head delegates through our online reporting form.
Sexual harassment and discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age, or disability are not acceptable. Such acts are incompatible with NMUN’s educational mission and are a violation of our Conduct Expectations. General descriptions of behavior that may be considered sexual harassment can be found in the UN’s Code of Conduct.
Serious incidents of sexual harassment or discrimination may be referred to conference organizers using our online reporting form. Conference organizers will consider the merits of the allegations received during a conference and respond appropriately. Outcomes may include issuing a verbal reprimand, expelling violators from the conference without compensation, barring violators from future NMUN involvement, or any other action deemed appropriate. Allegations received after a conference will generally be referred to the involved delegations' academic institutions. If they notify us of a determination of guilt, NMUN may take any of the actions listed above.
Sexual violence, which includes rape and sexual assault, is a crime in the U.S. punishable under the criminal justice system. Anyone who believes they are the victim of sexual violence, are at risk of experiencing sexual violence, or have witnessed actual or attempted sexual violence should, in the U.S., contact law enforcement by calling 9-1-1 and notify NMUN. We will notify the appropriate authorities, if not already contacted. To ensure the safety of all NMUN participants, we will immediately remove potential violators from the conference and may take further action. We encourage all participants to review their campus sexual violence handbook for further information on sexual violence and resources available for victims.
Dress Code
All clothing must portray professionalism as expected in diplomatic settings. If attire is deemed inappropriate by NMUN staff, individuals may be asked to leave the session and return with appropriate attire.
- Professional business attire is a business jacket, dress shirt, tie, slacks/skirt/dress, and dress shoes. Professional dress expectations require that dresses and skirts be knee length. Delegates should be dressed in professional business attire that reflects their self-identified gender.
- Clothing considered too casual includes sweaters, novelty jackets, shorts, sundresses/other casual dresses, ball caps, jeans, sneakers, athletic wear, and sunglasses. Clothing that exposes excessive bare skin, shows undergarments, or is otherwise revealing is inappropriate.
- It is not appropriate to display any school or national symbols such as flags, pins, crests, etc. on your person during sessions. All UN symbols are acceptable.
- Traditional dress is permitted only for delegations in whose home countries it is considered professional business dress. NMUN will not tolerate any attempt to portray a character using traditional cultural attire as a costume.
Faculty advisors, delegation leaders, guests, and volunteer staff serve as role models for delegates. They too are required to dress in professional business attire while participating in scheduled conference sessions.
Safety and Security
Your safety and security are your personal responsibility. Take full advantage of this unique opportunity in a responsible manner. Please do not leave your computer or other personal electronic devices unattended. Remove conference badges when leaving the hotel. Refrain from any sort of substance abuse. Use common sense.
In the event of an emergency in the hotel or UN, follow their guidelines. Emergency preparedness experts recommend having a designated meeting spot outside the hotel and sharing cell phone numbers amongst members of your delegation.