Washington, D.C. 2021 Archive
Diplomacy in the D.C. Corridor
Despite U.S. travel bans due to COVID-19 preventing most of our non-U.S. schools from attending, we drew 745 university students to our in-person DC conference to discuss issues at the forefront of international relations. Attendees were required to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and mask wearing was required as part of the dress code. NMUN•DC 2021 offered eight simulated UN committees utilizing procedural rules developed with UNITAR. The conference featured smaller committee sizes than our New York conference, a crisis simulation in the Security Council, and keynote speeches by distinguished speakers, who graciously answered questions from students.
Economic and Social Council Plenary (ECOSOC)
- Strengthening of the Coordination of Emergency Humanitarian Assistance of the United Nations
- The Role of Science, Technology, and Innovation on Social Development and the Wellbeing of All
General Assembly First Committee (GA1)
- Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security
- Strengthening and Developing the Systems of Arms Control, Disarmament, and Non-Proliferation Treaties and Agreements
General Assembly Third Committee (GA3)
- Eliminating Human Trafficking of Women, Girls, and Gender and Sexual Minorities
- The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age
High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF)
- SDGs and the 2030 Agenda in COVID-19 Recovery
- Ensuring Responsive, Inclusive, Participatory, and Representative Decision-Making at All Levels
Security Council (SC)
- The Use of Robust Mandates in Peacekeeping
- The Situation in Central African Republic
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- Building a Sustainable and Resilient Blue Economy
- COVID-19 Recovery: Building Back Better
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
- Gender, Climate, and Security
- The Digital Revolution: Implications for Gender Equality and Women’s Rights
United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA)
- Leveraging Climate Action for Sustainable Development
- Safeguarding Arctic Biodiversity
Volunteer Leadership

Courtney Indart
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Courtney has a Master's Degree in International Affairs from The George Washington University and earned her BA from The College of Idaho in International Political Economy. Originally from Idaho, in 2021 she was living in Washington, D.C. and working as an Information Officer on the International Visitor Leadership Program for Meridian International Center. Courtney served on NMUN•DC staff for 5 years and also volunteered at NMUN•NY.