NHSMUN Conduct Expectations
NHSMUN Expectations of Conduct
NHSMUN is an education-through-simulation experience designed to allow young adults to explore the many facets of international diplomacy. In order to ensure that NHSMUN is safe, educational, and fun, all attendees must adhere to the following rules. Reckless, irresponsible, or obnoxious behavior will not be tolerated. Students and their parents or guardians, as well as Faculty Advisors and school principals (or the equivalent thereof), should familiarize themselves with these rules prior to students’ departure for the Conference. Failure to abide by these rules may result in suspension from committee, disqualification from awards, expulsion from NHSMUN without refund, or other similar action determined to be necessary and appropriate. NHSMUN reserves the right to deny future admission to NHSMUN conferences to students, Faculty Advisors, and/or schools if these standards of conduct are breached.
Delegates are expected to attend committee during all scheduled sessions. Students are not permitted to leave their assigned committees during informal caucuses. During formal debate, the use of cell phones or electronic devices is not permitted.
Dress Code
Delegates are expected to adhere to standards of Western Business Attire during all conference sessions. At its most informal, this indicates a jacket and tie for men, and a skirt or dress pants for women. Clothing worn throughout the conference must be appropriate and unrevealing. No jeans, t-shirts, tank tops, sneakers, or sandals will be permitted. *Please note: If a delegate is deemed by any member of NHSMUN staff to be dressed inappropriately during or between committee sessions, he/she/they will be asked to return to his/her/their room and change clothing before being permitted back into committee.
The Conference schedule indicates the mandatory delegate curfew for each night. At that time, all delegates must be in their own rooms. No movement between rooms will be tolerated. At night, before scheduled curfews, delegates are expected to keep noise at acceptable levels, bearing in mind that there are other guests in the Hilton. *Please note: No exceptions will be made to this rule, even with the permission of Faculty Advisors.
Credential Badges
All conference participants must wear their credential badges at all times in order to be granted entry to NHSMUN programming and sessions. Lost credential badges must be replaced through the NHSMUN Secretariat or Administrative Floor and may be subject to a small fee.
Safety and Security
Delegates must obey the laws of the City and State of New York, the rules of their individual schools, the NHSMUN code of conduct, and fire and safety rules of the hotel as well as any additional venue rules and regulations. The use and/or possession of alcohol, illegal substances and/or paraphernalia, and/or any weapons is strictly prohibited.
General Procedures
All NHSMUN participants are expected to be respectful and mindful of all cultures and backgrounds. Disrespect of any form will not be tolerated, whether to a NHSMUN participant or non-participant. Participants are expected to comply with instructions of NHSMUN staff who are charged with the enforcement of these codes. NHSMUN will not tolerate any instances of discrimination based on race, color, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual identity, national origin, religion, age, socioeconomic status, and/or ability.
NHSMUN's media team, as well as outside press that may be present at the conference, may take photographs or videos of conference activities, including any NHSMUN participants who are involved in the activities being documented. Participants grant permission for these photographs or videos to be used in articles, brochures, or other NHSMUN-related media during or after the conference.
All NHSMUN attendees are expected to uphold these standards of conduct at all times during the conference. All attendees are participating in programming at their own risk, and NHSMUN, NMUN, and IMUNA do not take responsibility for any theft, accident, or emergency that occurs while participating in programming.
Role of the Faculty Advisor
The Faculty Advisors for each school are the persons acting in loco parentis for their students and thus may make additional rules for the students for whom they are responsible. Faculty Advisors cannot, however, exempt any of their students from the points outlined above.
All conference personnel will act to uphold these rules of conduct. IMUNA, the sponsor of the NHSMUN Conference, reserves the right to address serious violations of these rules by removing the offender(s) from Create your own automated PDFs with JotForm PDF Editor- It’s free 3 the Conference, expelling the sponsoring school of the offender(s) from the Conference, and/or barring the school from future NHSMUN participation. The Conference’s staff will make every effort to resolve violations of this code in a fair, quiet, and timely manner. However, if incidents involve hotel security personnel or the metropolitan police, IMUNA will cooperate fully with the authorities.
New York Hilton Midtown Rules and Regulations
The following policies are in effect at the New York Hilton Midtown, which serves as the conference headquarters of NHSMUN.
Noise Complaints and Disturbances
The New York Hilton has a three-strike policy regarding noise complaints and disturbances. Following the first complaint, Hilton security will issue a warning. Following the second warning, the matter will be escalated to the faculty advisor or group leader. The third incident will result in all registered parties of that room being asked to vacate the hotel. This also applies to noise violations in the guest room corridors, as the hotel requests that you be considerate of your neighboring guests.
The ceiling sprinklers in the New York Hilton are sensitive. Do not hang anything on the sprinkler heads and do not hit them for any reason. Fire extinguishers and pull station alarms are to be used for emergencies only. The hotel’s fire alarm system is tied to the Fire Department of NYC and firefighters will respond to each alarm. False alarms will be investigated and will be handled by law enforcement. You will be held financially liable for any damages caused by misuse of this equipment, and it may result in your dismissal from the New York Hilton.
Lost Room Keys or Lockouts
In the instance of a lockout or losing a room key, only registered guests with appropriate identification to that specific room will be permitted to get a key to re-enter the room. This procedure is for the safety of the room’s occupants.
The New York Hilton is not responsible for guests' personal items or belongings. Please do not leave property unattended in any open or public spaces.
Service Elevators
Guests are asked to not to use the service elevators unless specifically permitted to do so by a member of the NHSMUN staff or New York Hilton security team.